Background information
The discussion forum FORUM-4-INDUSTRY along with TUM-Tech GmbH and the Deutsche Museum organizes offline and online events. At these events, renowned personalities from SMEs, innovative entrepreneurs and representatives from science discuss in an open round table opportunities and risks that SMEs face today.
At the next offline event taking place on the 8th of November 2016 in Munich the experts will discuss the topic “Robotisation in the industrial society”. Robots – Your friend or enemy? Are robots stealing the work of production assistants? Which examples of robotics are already on the market, especially for SMEs?
Within the scope of the challenge, the winners who are successfully relying on open innovation will get awarded. Their success story will be acknowledged, evaluated and presented by the top-level jury.
In the run-up to the offline event the online challenge „Robotic Challenge 4.0“ will start. The winners await attractive prizes! Every interested person can take part as well as SMEs. Only an innovative application example from the industrial application needs to be provided and a description of the roboter’s use.
In order to find solutions for the difficulties of the SMEs in robotics, the conference and the idea challenge both engage themselves with various questions such as: Are big companies more likely to be in the position to realize innovative application in robotics? Do SMEs favour a consequent implementation of robotics? How do companies assess the potential use of robots? Which robotic applications exist and which value creation potentials in regards to Industrie 4.0 have been realized so far? Which risks have to be considered? How can the use of robots be a competitive advantage?
The open round table is an open space for creative ideas, concepts and visions for scientific experts, managers and entrepreneurs with a practical orientation especially from SMEs.